101 Things in 1001 Days

Saturday, July 28, 2007

#51--Eat breakfast every morning for a month.

Oh, yeah--I'm on a streak for #51, eating breakfast every morning for a month. I know I've done it for at least 8 days in a row now--maybe a day or two longer, but I definitely remember making breakfast last Saturday morning and I know I've done it every morning since, so that's 8 days in a row now. Hurrah!


#87: Notebook papers/tests/etc. from Salem

#87 is done--I went through the stack of papers, tests, and other assorted things from my four years at Salem, stapled them, holepunched them, and put them into binders. There are two 1 inch binders and one 2 inch binders. And that was my academic life at Salem.


Monday, July 23, 2007

#64: Learn a new recipe every month

I finally dug out the cords for my digital camera so I could charge it, so now I have the pictures of the new dishes I made last month.

The first one was Rosemary Potatoes and Onions. Granted, it's rather colorless, but it tasted awesome--I've made it several times since. It did have a bit too much rosemary--so much that it irritated my throat as it was going down--but I threw some ketchup on and it solved that problem. And hurrah for learning how to pan-fry potatoes in under 20 minutes!

The second dish was Sour Cream Broccoli Casserole (it also had chicken). I played around with the recipe while I was making it--threw in onions, used vegetable crackers instead of bread crumbs, etc. It ended up being really soupy--too much sour cream--and if I make it again in the future, I'll pre-cook the broccoli, because it was very al dente and the texture didn't go with the dish at all. The chicken was leftover from the baked chicken and peaches I'd made the night before, so it was slightly sweet, but it didn't taste bad at all. The dish as a whole didn't blend, but I think I might give it a try again in the future, with some adjustments.


Sunday, July 22, 2007

#31: Clean out my gmail inbox

Just got done cleaning out my GMail inbox--I had over 2500 e-mails that hadn't been archived or labeled, and 800+ unread e-mails...plus all the e-mails I had that were already archived and labeled that I went through. Google advertises GMail as having so much space you'll never need to delete any of your e-mails--but why in the world do I need to keep two years of e-mails from MyMonthlyCycles telling me my period's coming, or Facebook comment notifications, or newsletters that I'm never going to read, or other stuff that's just virtual junk? My trash has over 3300 emails in it now. I'm going to try to maintain the cleanliness in my inbox from now on.


Saturday, July 7, 2007

#92, #53, #54

#92 (thank you notes for graduation) is done on my end--I gave that last one to my dad to mail out, and while I'm not sure he did today, he will on Monday. And the family it's going to is on vacation this week, anyway. So #92 is done.

I ordered a dance mat and it got here a few days ago. I haven't really tried it out yet, but I hope it'll help out with #53 (finding some sort of exercise I like).

I also spent an absurd amount of money--$60 after shipping and tax--on an alarm clock earlier this week. It should be here by Monday. It's going to go along with #54--get up before 8 am for a month. Heh.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Another one for #6--read/reviewed Theodore Sturgeon's More Than Human.


Monday, July 2, 2007

#92, #6, #13, #86, #87

I actually did take my graduation thank you notes and mail them when I said I would. Naturally, on that day, I got another card in the mail, and I still haven't written the note for that one yet. Hoping to do that later today, so I can mark #92 off the list.

I read and reviewed James M. Cain's The Postman Always Rings Twice, so that's one more down for #6 (r&R 20 books for Novels Under 200 Pages) and one toward #13 (read 25 of the Modern Library's 100 Greatest Fiction books).

I just got finished with #86: go through the notebook referred to as “My Life on Paper” and organize it. Once I sat down and actually did it, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I got rid of a lot of paper that I didn't need, found some that I never needed, and discovered that I've misplaced a few documents of middling importance that I need to keep an eye out for.

I've also made a good bit of progress towards #87, which involved going through the massive piles of notes, tests, papers, etc. from my four years at Salem, deciding what to throw away, and notebooking what I want to keep. Not done yet, but the piles are a lot smaller now than they were.

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