101 Things in 1001 Days

Monday, July 2, 2007

#92, #6, #13, #86, #87

I actually did take my graduation thank you notes and mail them when I said I would. Naturally, on that day, I got another card in the mail, and I still haven't written the note for that one yet. Hoping to do that later today, so I can mark #92 off the list.

I read and reviewed James M. Cain's The Postman Always Rings Twice, so that's one more down for #6 (r&R 20 books for Novels Under 200 Pages) and one toward #13 (read 25 of the Modern Library's 100 Greatest Fiction books).

I just got finished with #86: go through the notebook referred to as “My Life on Paper” and organize it. Once I sat down and actually did it, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I got rid of a lot of paper that I didn't need, found some that I never needed, and discovered that I've misplaced a few documents of middling importance that I need to keep an eye out for.

I've also made a good bit of progress towards #87, which involved going through the massive piles of notes, tests, papers, etc. from my four years at Salem, deciding what to throw away, and notebooking what I want to keep. Not done yet, but the piles are a lot smaller now than they were.

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