101 Things in 1001 Days

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

#52, #60, #61, #74, #93, #95

Haven't updated for a while, but things are getting done!

#52 is done--drink water with one meal a day every day for a month. In fact, I've stopped buying my usual 2-or-more-12-packs-a-week of diet soda and instead have been drinking water from my Brita filter. True, I still buy a couple of 20-ouncers every week, but there have been entire days where I've had nothing to drink but water--and a few years ago (heck, a few months ago!) I would have thought that unthinkable!

#60 is still in process, but I'm calling it done--I have grown and successfully harvested two tomato plants. The ones I got free as seedlings from work all died, but I bought two Better Bush plants from the local K-Mart and they're now taller than hip-height and have produced probably a dozen tomatoes and are still flowering. Not bad for my first attempt at gardening.

I've done #61--visit the Farmer's Market--three or four times since the start of summer and I'd even go so far as to call it part of my weekly routine now. I get some cash from the ATM and head over to the State Farmer's Market after work and buy a week' s worth of veggies--usually tomatoes, onions, and potatoes, but sometimes others as well. It's cheaper than the grocery store and way tastier.

Progress towards #74--order 5 things from a restaurant menu that I haven't tried before. One of my coworkers has taken me twice now to a Mediterranean-style restaurant for lunch, and the first time I wussed out and got a turkey sandwich. The second time I tried some strange things I've never eaten before--like fava beans. Weird...

#93--wow, has it really been that long since I updated?--is done. I went back to Salem College for my first-year reunion during the last weekend of April. It was fun, but definitely a reminder of how different my life is now.

Progress towards #95--donate blood two times. I donated blood this past Thursday (7/17/2008), and I was petrified that they weren't going to let me do it because of my blood pressure or my pulse or temperature, but it went fine. I can donate again on September 11.

Mmmkay, I think that's all this time around...

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