101 Things in 1001 Days

Sunday, July 22, 2007

#31: Clean out my gmail inbox

Just got done cleaning out my GMail inbox--I had over 2500 e-mails that hadn't been archived or labeled, and 800+ unread e-mails...plus all the e-mails I had that were already archived and labeled that I went through. Google advertises GMail as having so much space you'll never need to delete any of your e-mails--but why in the world do I need to keep two years of e-mails from MyMonthlyCycles telling me my period's coming, or Facebook comment notifications, or newsletters that I'm never going to read, or other stuff that's just virtual junk? My trash has over 3300 emails in it now. I'm going to try to maintain the cleanliness in my inbox from now on.



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