101 Things in 1001 Days

Sunday, December 23, 2007

#36, #64, #54, #52

The rules of #36--build my money market account up to $1000--have changed a little. I opened up that ING Direct savings account, then liked it so much that I opened up several other savings account and a checking account with them. The total of my general savings account, emergency fund, medical fund, new car fund, and new computer fund is currently $526.52, plus the ~$237 I have in my Capital One account (which I'm no longer using--I'm going to close out the account soon). I may end up changing this goal to something like "build my emergency fund to $1000", since the other funds (except the general savings fund) have a specific purpose and are meant to be depleted. Will have to figure that one out later.

#64--try a new recipe every month--I've probably forgotten some new dishes I've made since the last time I posted, because I've tried quite a few. I made that BLT pasta, and it was pretty good. The other night I made bacon wrapped chicken with chive and onion cream cheese filling, and it was awesome. I also made some thin mints for a party that were ridiculously simple to make and tasted like I'd put far more effort into them than I actually did. I made mini quiches and english muffin pizzas to freeze and eat later, and pancakes from scratch, and a strange little casserole from hamburger and beans and tortilla chips...

#54--get up before 8 AM every day for a month--I'm going to call this one done, since I've gotten up for work on the weekdays before 8 AM since my job started. In retrospect, I shouldn't have worded this goal the way I did--weekends and federal holidays were made for sleeping in a little past 8. The intent of this goal was more along the lines of "don't stay in bed all day/oversleep once you get a job," and I've achieved that goal consistently for close to three months now.

I'm working my way up to #52--drink water with one meal a day every day for a month. I don't like drinking water, which is why this is a challenge, but lately I've been bringing a bottle of water and a can of diet soda to work instead of two cans of diet soda, and have gone from drinking half the bottle of water over the course of the day to drinking most of it. After a few more weeks, I'm going to try to make a conscious effort to drink water with my lunch every day, included on weekends.

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