101 Things in 1001 Days

Saturday, March 8, 2008

#37, #60, #64, #93

Time for an update...

#37--Collect my loose change daily and add it to my money market account periodically: during my lunch break on Thursday, I took $18.50 in rolled coins that I'd saved and deposited it, along with $11 I'd been paid for taking surveys, into my Wachovia account. I then transfered $29.50 from my Wachovia account to my ING Direct Savings account, which is the account that I'm funneling money into at the moment--it's currently over $1100. w00t.

#60--Grow and successfully harvest a tomato plant: A coworker brought in some tomato seedlings to share with the office, so I now have 12 tomato seedlings in an ice cube tray on my bar. And 5 jalapeño seedlings, too. Which means that this weekend I'll be getting a start on my container garden, which I hope will provide me with lots of free, home-grown food in the summer.

#64--Learn to cook a new dish every month: Aw, man. Can't remember what all I've made, but I've been more than doing this. A week ago I had my parents, my brother, his girlfriend, and his puppy over for dinner and I made my first ever roasted chicken and it was awesome. And there were roasted root vegetables (my newest trick), and mini molten lava cakes. Mmm.

#93--Return to Salem College for Reunion Weekend 2008: this one's coming up; I've planned out which events I'm going to attend and am going to start setting aside $200 to cover the expenses.

So nothing to cross off the list yet, but progress on several fronts.

Also, I got a puppy.

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