101 Things in 1001 Days

Sunday, September 21, 2008

#52, #19, #22, #36, #53, #77, #89, #95

As an update to #52, I've gotten to the point where on an average day, water is the only beverage available in my apartment. I'll grab a diet soda while I'm out or occasionally buy a 12-pack of something, but mostly it's water...or chocolate soymilk...or soon, as it gets colder, hot cocoa.

#19--watch 10 foreign films. I got Netflix a couple of months ago and have several foreign films in my queue. Currently the only one that's made it up to the top and to my door is Como Agua Para Chocolate.

#22--watch all the movies on Roger Ebert's list of 102 that I haven't seen---I watched Touch of Evil.

#36--emergency fund to $1000--my emergency fund is currently up to a little over $600.

#53--find exercise I like doing and do it 3 times a week for 3 months--since September 12, I've gone to the fitness center or gone on long walks every day but 2, and lifted weights every other day.

#77--go to a local community event--is done. I volunteered yesterday at Bugfest for the booth that my organization runs, and then spent a couple of hours wandering around the event.

#89--wash my car and rebumpersticker it--I'm calling this one done, because I ultimately traded in my car for a shiny new one, which has a new set of bumper stickers on it (and may one day be washed).

#95--donate blood 2 times--is done. I donated the first of these two times (second time over all) on July 17, and then donated again (my third time) on September 18. I have an appointment for my next donation in November.

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