101 Things in 1001 Days

Sunday, November 11, 2007

#54, #36, #64, #51

Starting my first job coupled with moving into my first apartment has made for very little Internet time. But I do have a couple of things to add to my list:

-#51: Eat breakfast every day for a month--done. For the first month of work I commuted from home, and ate breakfast in the car on the way to work (and at home on the weekends). It's something I'm continuing to do, because life's just better when you eat breakfast.

-#64: learn a new recipe every month--new additions. Yesterday I made my first ever cheesecake from scratch--it had a crust made out of Oreos and a filling that was chocolate with vanilla swirled in. It was divine. Tonight I'm going to be trying out a recipe for BLT pasta--I'm not a pasta fan, but since discovering that I actually like wheat bread (I hate white bread!), I decided to try out whole wheat pasta.

-#36: build my money market account to $1000--I actually opened a second account with ING and contributed $200 to it, so I have about $435 in savings between Capital One and ING right now. After the holidays are over and I've had a couple of months to see what my expenses at the apartment are like, I'm hoping to be able to contribute some sort of set amount (e.g. $5 a week) to one or the other of the accounts.

-#54: get up before 8 AM every morning for a month--I haven't been keeping track, but in a few weeks I think I'll be able to call this done. I've been getting to work at 8 AM on weekdays, and usually before 8 or 9 on weekends.

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