101 Things in 1001 Days

Thursday, September 20, 2007

#39--Get a full-time job.

#39 is done--I received a call today offering me a full-time job with a division of a division of a division of the USDA. I start October 1st.


Monday, September 10, 2007

#51, #14, #6, #10, #12, #74, #64

I iz quite bored, so it's time for some updatten.

I didn't quite make it all the way through #51--eating breakfast every day for a month. I got up to three weeks, and then my sleep cycle went wonky and I wasn't awake to eat breakfast. I'm back up to 10 days in a row, though.

On the book front--I read Darkness Visible, which is on the Modern Library's list of 100 Greatest Non-Fiction Books, so that's one towards #14. When I review it for Novels Under 200 Pages, it'll also count toward #6. It also counts toward #10 (20 biographies/autobiographies), but I think I'll only count it if I need to--I'm also not counting Nickeled and Dimed.

While I haven't started anything resembling an outline for a novel (#4), I did have a really good week a few weeks ago when I had a ton of ideas for little things within a novel. I wrote them all down in a notebook so I'll have them for later.

I bought a copy of Leaves of Grass, so that's a step towards #12 (reading it).

Got one towards #74 (order 5 things at restaurants that I haven't tried before). My parents and I went to Applebee's the other night, and I ordered an orange chicken bowl. I wasn't particularly hungry, which may have contributed to my feelings that it was just okay. It was much better when I refried the rice and heated up the chicken the next day. Not something I'd order unless I was in the mood for it, but still--glad I tried it.

My parents went to the beach for a week a couple of weeks ago, so I've got quite a few things for #64--learn a new recipe every month. I made sesame chicken, egg rolls, potato skins with cheese and bacon, and I think something else that escapes me...anyway, I took pictures, and will get them up later, when I'm feeling less lazy.

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